Netflix Series Review: Wu Assassins

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I love martial arts. I have never taken any official martial arts lessons, but I have always been fascinated by its graceful, but lethal moves. So when I saw the series, Wu Assassins, appear on my Netflix recommendation list, I clicked on it.

First of all, I discovered that many of the scenes were filmed in Canada. Then, I became very proud that most of the characters had an Asian background. After the huge success of a certain Rich Asian-related movie, I really wanted to support my fellow Asians.


“Tommy” inside a traditional Chinese herbal shop (Photo from )

The main character, Kai, a Chinese chef, suddenly discovered that he was the Wu Assassin, the only chosen one in the world, who was destined to end the evil doings of the Fire Wu, Earth Wu, Metal Wu, Water Wu and Wind Wu. He was helping out at his friend’s Chinese restaurant when he got into a fight with the triads. Luckily, his adopted father was a triad boss…..


In Asian culture, family is very important. I grew up in a traditional Chinese family and I could completely relate to the frustrations of being a “banana”, (“yellow” on the outside and “white” in the inside). That’s what the elders called the ones who were born and raised in the West. Internal conflicts between the Asian and Western culture and beliefs were apparent throughout the episodes. Loyalty and honour was very important. Losing either was looked down on.

The background music was a blend of both hip-hop and rap in English and Chinese. Both Cantonese and Mandarin was thrown into the dialogue, with Cantonese being more prominent. This was a wonderful surprise as I was able to understand both languages, so I knew that it was authentic. Well, most of the actors sounded like native speakers.

Yay or Nay

Photo courtesy of Netflix

If you are into martial arts, I definitely recommend it! It’s empowering to see more Asian actors representation on screen. Just a reminder that were some mature language and scenes, so I believed that this series was meant for mature audiences.


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52 thoughts on “Netflix Series Review: Wu Assassins

  1. Great review, Chocoviv! I’m not really into martial arts movies, but based off of your descriptions of this movie, it does seem pretty interesting and makes me want to watch 😁. Thanks for this post and also raising awareness to the great work of actors of color! 👏👍We definitely need more representation of Asian actors and actresses in the world, as well as other people of color/minorities.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. We watch martial arts, so I’ll definitely check this out. My husband practices two different styles. I have no interest in being kicked, punched, or thrown. I prefer to watch. Thank you for the review and recommendation.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Great review! I watched the first two episodes – the action scenes are quite nice and the martial arts is captivating. When it comes to story I wasn’t so taken but I decided to watch until episode 5 to decide if it’s for me or not

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Fantastic review. I’ve been wanting to start Wu Assassin for some time now but I always end up procrastinating. Thanks for the push. Hope I enjoy it as much you did.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Good review indeed, Mashi! It is not so easy to write them. So Kudos.

    I do not watch movies over the Netflix, [ I think it is a paid thing, 😦 ], but I Do love Martial Arts. I like UFC, and NOT WWE or whatever, which I consider Completely Bogus.

    I have watched a lot of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee sort of movies, and like them. …I have found that there is a lot of solid philosophy behind the Oriental Martial Arts. One book I treasure is: Unarmed and Dangerous!

    More later! Regards and Love. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s rare to hear so much Cantonese in a show…. this dialect is very difficult to learn and we are trying to preserve our culture through speaking and hearing more…


  6. nice review


    i enjoy martial arts movies also

    thats great about supporting asians

    i like to joke with my fellow koreans why theyre using an iphone, when they should be using either LG or Samsung



    Liked by 2 people

      1. Tony Jaa is true practitioner of deadly art of Mauy Thai. You watch how he moves its like an elephant.

        What I found most challenging is going up against smaller guys there’re like a spider stick to you like Velcro because of no muscle mass or very little. At times it was like what I’m I doing ?

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Chocoviv

    Its a lot to take in Martial Arts is more then just about art form its a way of life” I took my first lesson when I was 10 from my father in Krav Maga , then went on to study Suchow honour to be invited. Ryshien Jujitsu Japanese, Wingchung hand to hand with knives close quarters . Then onto kick boxing and my signature style.

    Way of the Warrior Muay Thai: eight limb science have to tell you is complete total body workout You should try it but I will warn you upfront. You will almost certain sustain trauma as you’re still learning and enhancing your technique.


    S̄wạs̄dī kh̀a


    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks like I said its a way of life that to truly understand need to be completely immersed into.

        In Meiyo & Yu

        As Your mind, body, essence are as one entity.

        I also learned to numb pain and because of such I do Hard Body Contact training

        Basically use my body as blunt force trauma:

        Punch concrete blocks, steel beams tractor tires bare fists.

        Kicking cement pillars, tractor tires, trees , ice blocks.

        Because remember that each time you make contact you create micro fractures within your bones allowing them to re-calcified become harder.

        Same is said for my legs and shins I have so many look at me doesn’t that hurt aren’t you worry about breaking something…The answer is NO because my body as been forged into an instrument of destruction.

        Mauy Thai means the 8 limb science because in your combo’s you make eight points of contact legs,fists,body,head, elbows :inside the pummel or aka the Clinched

        Watch this it shows You how in depth the Deadly Arts goes into and the preparation.

        There is sealing of the ring ceremony you do as well called the Waikru each dojo as their own authenticity.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Wah! This sound exciting! I love martial arts. I’ve taken lessons but I bet any amateur who is good at fighting can kick my butt. I will be searching for this series now. But please tell me the title of this “Rich Asian-related movie”!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I’ve actually never heard of this series, but representation in media is so important so I will have to check this out for sure. I loved Crazy Rich Asians so much – especially the book series. I’ve never watched tons of marital arts films, but love learning about cultures/interests different from my own.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Exactly! Despite the fact that Crazy Rich Asians had so many stereotypes about my culture, it really strikes a cord for many of us…. the frustrations are very true…


      1. Ah, then it probably is related, in the sense that the martial arts, properly understood, aren’t aggressive, but rather a method of skilled yielding so that one’s opponent takes him or herself down. Thanks!

        Liked by 2 people

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