Vendor Feature: House of Origins Apothecary

Thank you House of Origins Apothecary for the gift!

Who is House Of Origins Apothecary?

1- When and why did you start your business?

We started our business around 2015. What began as a passion project turned into a whole wellness community. Maz and I began collaborating through a performance art collective, we were training together and studying natural health simultaneously. We mostly made medicine for fun and then it became clear that the community loved our creations and kept asking us for more formulas. We have always been passionate about nature and body consciousness and found that plants are the perfect bridge for the evolution of spirit and health

2 – What is your background?

Laura is a medical herbalist with a diploma of phytotherapy from pacific rim college. They specialize in hormone balance, digestion and mental health. Maz has an undergrad of anthropology and has spent time with herbalists learning in the field. She has also completed Sajah pop hams astroherbalism course

3 – Some interesting facts?

All of our products are made through a process of ritual. We use astrological timing as much as we can. All of our tinctures are made with organic cane alcohol. We are passionate about making medicine, although our mission is to educate and empower people to create their own medicinal preparations and form a connection with nature

4 – Anything else that you want to share?

Our business has evolved a lot over the years and we are now focusing more on group transformation programs and retreats.

Check them out!

House of Origins Apothecary 

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