Movie Review: Barbie

Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog 2.0


Barbieland, the alternate universe of the real world, coexisted in the same timeline in this movie. However, in Barbieland, the Barbies, were the ones who held all the powerful positions and made all the rules. The Kens, on the other hand, were only meant to be decorative dolls, hanging around the Barbies, and had no value.

One day, “Stereotypical Barbie”, woke up with thoughts of death…? Barbies only knew of eternal happiness and positivity!

Something was very wrong…..


When I first heard that there was going to be a Barbie movie, I had no expectations. Growing up, I didn’t play with Barbie much. People kept giving them to me. Therefore, I only played for a short period time when I was really bored.

I didn’t like that her body type was not relevant to mine. I couldn’t relate to her at all. But, I loved the idea that…

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