Vendor Feature: Soy Cowboys Candles

Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog 2.0

I had finished watching “Love Hard” and was moved by the male protagonist’s candle making business. So, when I was two cowboys with their unique scented soy candles, I was intrigued!

Who is Soy Cowboys Candles?

1)Why and when did you start your business?

Jason and Brad started Soy Cowboys in early 2021. Neither is a cowboy, except maybe in spirit or the values that they hold.

Jason has been looking to start a business for awhile as he just completed a business management program at BCIT and was looking to put his education to work. Brad suggestedcandle makingwhile over visiting having a barbecue in the fall of 2020. Immediately, Jason was thrilled with the idea and proposed to start a partnership with Brad, who agreed it was a good plan.

Over the following 6 months the boys worked hard to research and develop their own candle making methods and…

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