POTD: Artistic Red Pepper (Inspiration During COVID)

At the local grocery store, I needed to pick up a red pepper for my bearded dragon. I noticed that there was a sale on red peppers. Perfect!

As I got closer to the pile of red peppers, I observed that most of them appeared bruised or damaged somehow. Well, since they were on special, I guess that’s the reason?

Interestingly, the only pepper in the pile that looked flawless was the one that had another piece growing out of its side.

Isn’t this similar in real life?

Life has been very challenging for many of us during these past few months. It’s been a nerve wracking roller coaster of emotions and worries.

I am trying really hard to stay positive and supportive of those around me, while setting up boundaries after boundaries to prevent myself from being drained.

Some days are really challenging, as when I look out in the future, I look into the upcoming months. School is starting soon and no one knows what is really happening. I am worried about both the health and the educational challenges of the children. I ponder on the possibility that I am capable of the continuation of my self-care habits that I am working hard on currently.

Among all the difficulties and conflicts, I am searching for my special “red pepper” each day.

How about you?

How are you doing?

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27 thoughts on “POTD: Artistic Red Pepper (Inspiration During COVID)

  1. “Being progressive comprising being persistent with determination
    nothing has the power to prevent you from attaining your goals+”

    _-Van Prince

    Liked by 7 people

      1. That’s good! I’ve mostly been keeping up my blog during this time, although I didn’t write one this week, there was just too much to do. I have other creative projects I’ve neglected for a long time, though.

        Liked by 4 people

  2. The red pepper may be the final straw for me.. ! also struggling.. apprehensive about what happens when the sun stops shining and we head into the autumn unknown of the pandemic. May your red peppers taste wonderful, whatever they may look like xx

    Liked by 6 people

  3. This year has certainly been a wild ride. Every time that I think it can’t get worse, something else happens. From wildfires to explosions, COVID to murder hornets… If we get nothing else out of 2020, it will be a better understanding of our own resiliency!

    Liked by 3 people

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