Book Review: Thomas L. Goss

If you enjoy reading and writing poems, you should look up Thomas L. Goss’s recent works. As I was reading and pondering his poems, there was a lot of very colourful imagery.

Photo from Amazon

There was a lot of references to nature and how we were such an integral part of the universe in “Holding The Bruised Rose Blossoms Of An Attempted Genetic Rinse”. The universe inspired many deep thoughts.

Photo Courtesy of Amazon

In “Juggernaut Of Learning”, the focus was on the internal emotions of a person. Our natural surroundings could draw out feelings that normally stayed hidden.

Thank you for sharing these two works with me!

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14 thoughts on “Book Review: Thomas L. Goss

  1. My soon to be published book comprising Quotes *&* poems +titled, *Love In All Intricacies Is Real*>in i-way or another will affect millions cross cultures< I invite you to read my poems published herein taking poetic creativity *&* innovation to awesome levels!

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